About Us

The success story of ECSS begins back in November 29, 2001 when a determined young man having unique knowledge and skills, aimed at dominating the local chemical cleaning sector. Starting ECSS humbly with only two of them running the entire chain of business from production down to delivery, the business steadily grows under their uncanny effort.

Their effort finally paid off with the incorporation of Expert Chemical Supply and Service (M) Sdn Bhd in 2006 and now know as Expert Chem Technology (M) Sdn Bhd. Since then, ECT has taken bold steps and invested heavily on research and development to produce more reliable and higher quality cleaning chemicals than their rivals in order to compete in the tough local chemical market.

Albeit the fact that this sector was dominated by chemical giants, ECT has succeeded in paving its own path by not only selling chemicals but also by providing impeccable after sales service that won hearts of many customers whom stayed loyal to ECT.

Core Business

ECT manufactures and distributes hygienic cleaning and sanitation chemicals tailored specifically for Asian market as most of the imported cleaning chemicals lack effectiveness even up to adequate standards for the need of local clients.

Having in-house Research and Development facility, ECT strives to produces higher quality chemicals with capability of tailoring cleaning chemicals according to their customer’s needs. ECT practices eco-friendly manufacturing by producing biodegradable and environment friendly chemicals, meaning, no harm is done to the ecosystem due to usage of the chemicals as the compounds would break away naturally, leaving only harmless minerals behind. These approaches have been accepted widely as the cleaning chemicals produced are fitting in accordance to most of the customer’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs.

Our Vision

ECT aims to become a premier cleaning and sanitation chemical supplier in South East Asia covering areas of manufacturing, food industry, hospitality and heavy industries by manufacturing process and to produce total ecological friendly products.

Our Mission

ECT mission is to create safer and healthier products with impeccable quality, while ensuring minimum or better yet,
no effect to the environment. Our main motivation is to continually focus on innovative new products and programs
backed by utmost support service, assuring highest satisfaction in accordance to our service pledge to give the best products and to deliver our service promises to our customers.

Our Model

Our Local Partners